Wills Week happens very October – the Edmonton Community Foundation partners with lawyers and estate planners to help Edmontonians get current and timely information about what they need to know for their wills. All presentations are free of charge and offered at various Edmonton locations.

A will ensures your last wishes for distribution of your assets, digital assets, and finances are honored. A will only takes effect on your death and has no role in decisions while you are live. However, wills can get complex as you name executor, decide on percentage of distribution or allow for donations. Therefore, having some professional assistance in writing it is encouraged so that you can ensure your interests are protected.
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Find the listings day by day in our event calendar here. Keep watch on our calendar for various estate planning workshops throughout the year.
Additional Resources
· Canadian Guide to Wills & Estate Planning· Canadian Estate Planning Made Easy
For more information on Wills Week – visit Edmonton Community Foundation.