It can be tough to know if you should consider retirement living. Family and friends might be encouraging you to look into it. Friends and family might also be telling you that you aren’t ready for it. It can be hard to be on the fence as to whether or not you should be looking at retirement living. Only you can make the decision to consider retirement living for your needs. See if any of these reasons resonate with you…
You Want an Easier Lifestyle
You love the lock it and leave it lifestyle. You don’t want to worry about your home or maintenance or security. You may want the options for housekeeping, meals, and social activities. You want to make this one move early and not have to move for quite a while – regardless of your health needs.
You are Lonely
At the end of the day, a house is just 4 walls. And if you’re friends have moved, and you don’t know your neighbors…you might be missing out on social connections. Many love the friendships they make in retirement living. Even in the harshest winter days, you can easily meet with friends or find someone to talk to. Even if we enjoy being alone, we need stimulating conversations and change in scenery to keep our mind stimulated. Social connections are great for our health.
Meals Are a Bother
Prepareing meals, making meals and cleaning up meals can be a hassle. After decades of doing it, you might just be tired of it. Or perhaps getting to the grocery store to make nutritious meals is too much effort. Perhaps you are choosing to eat less, just because it is no longer exciting to cook. Food is the fuel for our muscles and we need good proteins as we age to ensure we can maintain our muscles that keep us moving and active. If you notice that you aren’t eating well, then moving to retirement living where at least some meals are prepared for you, may help.
You Want to Downsize with Options
Downsizing to a smaller home but can be good. Some for those not fond of packing and moving, downsizing to retirement living can give you a chance to make one move that will meet your needs potentially for years. When you choose and consider retirement living that has support services and care services, you can make one move and be content that as life happens, you are ready for it!
Your Health Needs are Changing
When you know your health won’t let you stay at home much longer, making a move while you are able to make a choice is the way to do it. Too many people wait until a health crisis that forces them to leave their home. At that time, there is no guarantee you’ll have a choice or your chosen residence will have room. Being proactive about your retirement living choice will ensure you get to live life on your terms.
It’s a big move. It can be hard for someone to embrace all the change that comes with leaving your home and moving somewhere new. Your mindset will set the course for what your experience is like. By focusing on the positives that will come from the move, and being confident you’ve found the best option for you, you can make this a positive move.
Do research on the options available to you that include no services, support services, care services or a combination of options.
Go to open houses, learn about what they offer, and talk to other residents to learn what they like and dislke.
If you are overwhelmed trying to find the right options for you, you can book a Get Moving Consultation to help narrow down the best options for your budget, location and future needs.